What sets “A Class Act” apart from its competitors?
I am an international, national, state and regional award-winning portrait photographer with several decades of experience. I use high-end cameras and lenses exclusively. Unlike most photographers that use DSLR cameras (i.e. Nikon and Canon), I use medium-format cameras (Hasselblads and Mamiyas) with Phase One digital backs. The Phase One digital backs are truly the state-of-the-art and cost five to 25 times more than a Nikon or Canon DSLR system!
In addition, I am able to utilize specialty lenses that don’t exist for DSLRs. Many years ago, I studied under Gage White and mastered his techniques for these specialty lenses that make people look their absolute best.
In addition to studying under Gage White, I studied under Master Photographers Dean Collins, Bunny West-Shepard, Phillip Stewart Charis, Willy Leon and many others. For four years, I was president of my regional Professional Photographers of America (PPA) affiliate “Professional Photographers of the North [California] Valley (PPNV).” One of my responsibilities was to book a guest photographer to speak every month at one of the photo studios in our region. I brought in photographers from all over the world and gained knowledge and insight from every one of these fabulous photographers.